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Cyclife Aquila Nuclear visits Barton Peveril Sixth Form College

Barton Peveril Sixth Form College hosted an exhilarating Physics Tournament on Tuesday 9th July. The event welcomed over 40 Year 10 students from the following schools: Thornden, Crestwood, Mountbatten, and Wildern. The tournament aimed to inspire and challenge young minds while showcasing the exciting possibilities within the realm of physics.

Teams of students competed against each other in a race to unlock a series of boxes. To achieve this, they had to decipher a range of intricate physics puzzles, testing their knowledge, ingenuity, and teamwork. Throughout the challenge, the participants demonstrated exceptional problem-solving abilities and unwavering determination.

While the judges calculated the teams’ times, Matt Fowler, a representative from Cyclife Aquila Nuclear, captivated the audience with a presentation on Nuclear Engineering. His talk provided valuable insights into the industry and sparked curiosity among both the visiting students and Barton Peveril’s own first year cohort.

“I was really impressed with the methodical approach that the Year 10 teams took to what was a very challenging set of puzzles. I was particularly encouraged by how the students tackled problems together as a team, rather than panicking and losing concentration. Engineering is all about working in teams with people of different skillsets, backgrounds and methods; so a challenge like this was the perfect opportunity to develop these skills. Based on my experience on Tuesday, the future of STEM in the UK seems very bright!”

Matt Fowler, Senior Mechanical Design Engineer for Cyclife Aquila Nuclear

After an intense competition, an all-girls team from Thornden emerged victorious. The team showed remarkable efficiency, unlocking their box in an astounding time of 34 minutes.

– Press release written and published by Barton Peveril Sixth Form College (Physics Tournament Showcases Future Scientists | Barton Peveril Sixth Form College (